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EPB UNF Jacksonville Environmental Symposium

“Building Resiliency – Inspiring, Informing & Engaging our Community”

Each year the symposium presents a unique opportunity for members of the community to interact with the regulatory agencies responsible for developing and implementing environmental policy. Attendees have an opportunity to better understand environmental goals for our community. The symposium provides valuable opportunities for communication and helps to further the goal of protecting our limited natural resources and improving the quality of life in Northeast Florida.

Details of the symposium are currently being planned.

Stormwater Education Workshop
This year plans are being made to hold a separate workshop focused around stormwater education.  The workshop will help develop a better knowledge of how to properly manage the impacts from solids (TSS), turbidity (NTUs), and nutrients (i.e., nitrogen and phosphorus) and other surface water contaminates. Details are still be finalized, so stay tuned.

Organized by the City of Jacksonville Environmental Protection Board and University of North Florida.

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